Finding the perfect property is just one step in the process. Purchasing and managing the property, particularly if you are based overseas or are unfamiliar with local processes, is a whole different ball game.

At Goldcrest, we guarantee peace of mind throughout the purchasing process and in property management. We know the value of your real estate asset and ensure that it is up and running in optimal condition. You can rest assured that, wherever you are in the world, your property is being well cared for.

A Hassle-Free Experience

At Goldcrest, we provide a comprehensive managed purchase service, ensuring that you can proceed with the property purchase with the knowledge that all legal considerations are met. There are four steps to the purchase process; which are to ensure that your investment is safe, not only regarding the property but also ensuring the entire process is conducted correctly.

We introduce you to a trusted lawyer who will be able to assist with ensuring the due diligence of both the property and seller and will be able to draw up the required contracts.

Should you already have a lawyer, we work alongside them to ensure you buy with peace of mind.

Due Diligence
Conducted to understand the property's true commercial potential and any risks involved in the purchase. This includes due diligence on both the property itself and the seller to ensure there are no legal problems.
Promissory Purchase and Sale Agreement
A prior contract designed to regulate the terms and conditions of the definitive contract.
Purchase and Sale Agreement
The Purchase and Sale Agreement is the act by which the ownership of the property is transferred, which is done before a Notary.
Property Taxes and Expenses
To consider the main taxes and expenses tied to the acquisition of property in Portugal.



living room



How We Can Assist You


As the first buyer’s agent in Portugal, we have helped hundreds of individuals successfully snap up property in Portugal.

Over the years, our knowledgeable team has gained unrivaled expertise in the Portuguese real estate market. With our local insights, we understand the challenges with the property acquisition process and how to protect against them.


What sets us apart


Extensive local presence

With offices in Lisbon, Porto, and the Algarve, our team of experienced local case executives, immigration lawyers, and investment specialists streamline the managed purchase process in Portugal.

Tailored solutions

Our managed purchase process is tailored completely to your exact needs and requirements.

All-encompassing solution

You'll have a dedicated real estate consultant exclusively for you, who will be your point of contact throughout the process. We provide a streamlined, customized service. We will assist you throughout the process and beyond with a single channel of communication.


Our pricing is clear and detailed, covering all the processes from opening a bank account, legal immigration, real estate legalities, and so on. You can be confident that you will not face any hidden costs along the way.

Relocation made easy

Access our concierge services for a smooth relocation, including assistance with moving services and settling in.


Your privacy is fundamental to everything that we do. All data is stored within a GDPR-compliant database on a secure SSL-encrypted server. You can be safe in the knowledge that your personal data is completely protected.

Ensuring your property purchase in Portugal runs smoothly is difficult.  

With local insights and unparalleled experience, Goldcrest are here to help. Take the stress and hassle out of your property purchase.  
Get in touch today

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Managing the purchasing property process in Portugal is difficult, and you will need to ensure you commit to due diligence and adhere to legal considerations. Goldcrest ensures that your property investment is safe, not just with the property itself, but by making sure the process is conducted correctly. We also provide assistance following your purchase, assisting with property set-up, the leasing of your property (for long term rentals), and property management.

Ensuring that there are no legal complications with either the property or the seller is essential, for example, the property’s compliance with existing or required licenses and the existence of liens or encumbrances. Plus, you must be aware of the legal process, contracts, and additional fees you will need to pay.

Yes, should you already have a lawyer, we work alongside them to ensure you buy with peace of mind. If you do not have a lawyer, we can also introduce you to one. Lawyers are essential in ensuring the due diligence of both the property and seller is conducted correctly and in drawing up the required contracts.

Want to find out how we can help you?


Whether you need help getting your property set-up or are looking for integrated property management services, we can help you.


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